What To Know About Bail Bonds And Pending Charges

In most situations, a person is arrested and charged with a crime or crimes. Then, bail is set, and the defendant is released on bail to await their court dates. However, some cases are more complex, and a defendant can be told they have charges pending. Read on to find out what happens with bail when pending charges are involved. What Are Pending Charges? Law enforcement may need to do more investigating before they are ready to charge someone with a crime. [Read More]

Ready For Rural Living? Consider A USDA Loan

When planning experts noticed that some cities were becoming overcrowded, a push to get buyers out into the countryside was developed. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) worked with real estate experts to develop loan programs targeted at those who want to live outside of city centers or urban areas. Read on to learn more about USDA loans and find out if one could be right for you. Not Just Farmland [Read More]

3 Things To Consider When Comparing Installment Loans

Are you looking to take out a personal installment loan in order to cover a large purchase or to simply get caught up on some past-due bills? If so, it is important for you to take the time to carefully compare different loan options in order to ensure you are getting the best possible terms. When comparing different installment loans, there are three main factors that you will need to consider. [Read More]

3 Factors Besides Your Credit Score That Impact Your Mortgage Approval Chances

If you're applying for a home loan, you probably already know that your lender will consider your credit score. Borrowers with higher scores often qualify for better rates and other benefits, but this one number is far from the only thing impacting your approval odds. When evaluating mortgage applications, lenders need to look at a much larger financial picture. The good news is that a single number doesn't define your chances of buying a home. [Read More]