2 Things You Need To Know About Buying A Car And Staying In Budget

There are so many people who look forward to buying a new car. For some, a new car is the ultimate toy, and for others a car is just a means to an end. Regardless of if you have a love for cars, you should always be financially responsible when purchasing a car. Here are some things that you should know. 1. Buy Lower Than Your Budget One thing that many people fail to do is realistically assess their budget before they go car shopping. [Read More]

Should You Help A Relative Buy Property?

We always like to help our family members when we can. However, should we be helping the buy property? Deciding whether or not to help a family member buy property can be hard. Here is a list of things to consider before you help a relative buy a home for sale: Property Agreements You may want to help your relative purchase property but you may not agree with the property they have chosen. [Read More]

How To Get A Hard Money Loan

Have you tried to get a loan from the bank without success? Do you need to make a quick investment in property? Perhaps it's time to consider a hard money loan. What Is Hard Money? Hard money refers to a loan issued by private lenders for real estate investments. Typically, they are used by developers for fix and flip deals, land buying, and construction. In the case of fix and flip, a developer or an individual buys a property, renovates it, and sells it at a profit. [Read More]

Five Things You Might Not Know When Buying Your First Home

You've finally decided to take that step and you're super-excited. You've viewed half a dozen homes online and you think you're ready to take the plunge. You've even pictured yourself living in your new home. Before you continue, you need to get out of dreamland and into reality. Buying a home is a huge step that will impact your finances for a long time to come. You, therefore, need to approach it with a sober mind. [Read More]