Trying To Decide If You Should Help A Friend With Their Surety Bail Bond? 4 Questions To Ask Before Agreeing

Helping someone through a difficult time is part of being a loving friend. But sometimes the act of helping a friend comes with potential risks that should never be ignored. A good example of this is when a friend is asking you to co-sign their surety bail bond so they will not have to remain in jail until their court date. Agreeing to co-sign this type of contract comes with significant financial and legal responsibilities that should always be fully understood. [Read More]

Tips To Follow When Selecting The Term For Your Auto Loan

If your current vehicle is nearing the end of its lifespan, taking out an auto loan from your local credit union is one way that you can alleviate the financial strain of replacing your car. When you're applying for a vehicle loan, the length of the loan (also referred to as the term) is one detail you'll need to consider. Follow these tips to ensure the term for your loan is a good fit for your financial needs. [Read More]

Know The Difference Between Getting A Bail Bond And Using Cash

If someone you know was arrested, they'll be starting in jail for the duration of their trial. This is why you may be getting that phone call asking if you can help pay for bail so they can get their early release. It can minimize the disruption of their life so they can continue working their job and earning for their family. However, when it comes to posting bail, you essentially have two options to pick from. [Read More]