Talking About Loans and Financing

VA Home Loans: What To Know Before You Apply

Before you apply for any loan program, there are certain things you need to know. Some of these key points deal with the process while others deal with the paperwork you need. The same holds true for VA home loans. If you are a veteran considering a VA home loan, here are a few things you should know before you apply. By keeping these few key points in mind, you can make the process easier for yourself. 

Proof of Service

You can become eligible for a VA home loan by being either active duty or National Guard in any branch of the military. You will need to provide proof of service with your DD214 or proof of active duty service. Your DD214 will prove how long you served and how you were discharged from the military. It is the single most important form you need when applying for your VA home loan. You will need to have served a certain amount of time as an active duty member of the military.


Some people choose to use a VA home loan to help refinance their current home loan. If you plan on doing this, you will need not only your proof of service but also proof of the current mortgage. You can use your current mortgage monthly statement to prove the amount you owe, the amount you pay, and the amount you have paid. You may also need to provide a letter from the mortgage company that shows the current payoff amount as well. This will help the VA representative determine refinancing options for your current mortgage situation.

Discharge Requirements

An aspect of the VA home loan program that many people may not think of is the discharge requirement. You must have a specific type of discharge to be eligible for a VA loan. For example, you must have an honorable or honorable medical discharge. Retirement is also acceptable. If you do not have the right discharge status, you can appeal for a discharge status upgrade. 

If you qualify for a VA home loan, contact your local representative. They can step you through the process and help you with any questions you have. They can also ensure if you are missing any paperwork or information that you can obtain it by helping you with the resources to obtain it. If you are ready to get started, contact a local representative today to begin the process.
